桃園巨蛋Taoyuan Arena (10/29) 全國自駕車創客賽 Makers Robotic Competition 檔案下載 Files 2023TIRT-全國自駕車創客賽規則-國小組 2023TIRT-全國自駕車創客賽規則-國高中職組 2023TIRT-Autonomous Vehicle Maker Challenge - Elementary School Student Group 2023TIRT-Autonomous Vehicle Maker Challenge - Junior and Senior High School Student Group 2023賽程表-全國自駕車創客賽(平面) 2023賽程表-全國自駕車創客賽(立體) 競賽介紹 Event Info 自駕車創客賽,整合各類小車競賽,廣邀全國各路菁英隊伍競技,擴增學生之競賽學習履歷。刺激的實體賽式結合全新賽道亮相,主要考驗以紅外線循跡自走車之智慧控制為主軸,結合趣味性與發揮運動家之精神,藉此啟發學生學習電機、電子、通訊、控制等相關技術整合之興趣,以培養學生實作與創新的能力,達到寓教於樂、積極學習與思考創作之教育目標。 Makers Robotic Competition, integrates various car competitions, invites teams from all over the country to compete, and expands students' competition learning experience. The main test of this competition is the intelligent control of infrared tracking robots. It combines fun and sportsmanship to inspire students to learn the integration of related technologies such as motors, electronics, and controller. In order to cultivate students' practical and innovative abilities, and achieve the educational goals of entertaining, active learning, thinking and creation.
分組 Groups B-1 國小組Elementary School GroupB-2 國中組Junior High School GroupB-3 高中職組Senior High School Group
日期 Date 2023年10月 2023年10月 一二三四五六日 2526272829301 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 303112345 2023-10-2908:00 - 17:00 我要報名 Sign up here