2024桃園巨蛋Taoyuan Arena (11/9) 機器人踢足球競賽 Robots’ Soccer Game 檔案下載 Files 2024國際機器人節-競賽總則 The 2024 INTERNATIONAL ROBOTIC FESTIVAL IN TAOYUAN- TIRT Top International Robotic Tournament-Competition General Rules (T01~T04)TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽 - 機器人踢足球競賽規則-2024101-1(保全) (T)2024TIRT 全能機器人國際賽-TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽-競賽總則-20241001(保全) 2024 -11.09 TIRT台灣嵌入式暨單晶片系統發展協會系列賽程表 競賽介紹 Event Info 機器人足球賽在機器人運動競賽之中,是最具規模及熱度的賽事,競賽中除了要考慮機器人本身的運動性能,舉凡追球、盤球、傳球、射門及防守這些動作缺一不可,是一項極具挑戰性的競賽喔! 機器人踢足球競賽的參賽者需遙控TBot機器人,以三人一隊、兩隊對戰的模式進行足球賽,競賽重點除了比機器人結構、運動性能,也包含程式設計的功力,另外在團體競賽中,還能學習到團隊合作、溝通藝術、挫折管理等寶貴經驗喔! * 機器人踢足球競賽、機器人創意造型設計競賽A 必需同時報名!! Robot soccer competition is the largest and most exciting event in the field of robot sports. In this competition, not only do the robots need to possess excellent mobility, including skills such as dribbling, passing, shooting, and defense, but they also face the challenge of coordinating these actions effectively. It is a highly challenging competition! Participants in the robot soccer competition control TBot robots remotely and engage in a football match with a format of three players per team and two teams competing against each other. The competition emphasizes not only the structure and mobility of the robots but also the proficiency in programming. Additionally, participating in team competitions provides valuable experiences in teamwork, communication skills, and managing setbacks. Registration for both the robot soccer competition and the creative robot design competition A is required!
日期 Date 2024年11月 2024年11月 一二三四五六日 28293031123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 2526272829301 2345678 2024-11-0908:00 - 17:00 我要報名 Sign up here