桃園巨蛋Taoyuan Arena (10/29) 機器人划龍舟競速賽 Robots’ Dragon Boat Racing 檔案下載 Files (T07~T09)TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽 - 機器人划龍舟競速賽規則-20230626 (T)2023TIRT 全能機器人國際賽-TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽-競賽總則-20230920(保固) 競賽介紹 Event Info 嘿咻嘿咻划龍舟!疑?怎麼龍舟沒有人在划呢?原來是遠端操控的機器人龍舟阿!史上最有趣的水上競速賽,由參賽者遙控龍舟機器人,於各自賽道起點出發,抵達終點後進行奪旗行動。競賽訣竅就在於快、狠、準三字訣,用最"快"速度衝刺,"狠"狠突破水中阻力、划過水面,再使用無敵精"準"的奪標動作,快狠準的完成競賽項目! Hey! Paddling, paddling, dragon boat! Wait, why isn't there anyone paddling the dragon boat? It turns out to be a remotely controlled robot dragon boat! It's the most exciting water racing event ever. Participants remotely control the dragon boat robots, starting from their respective starting points and racing to the finish line, followed by a flag-snatching action. The key to the competition lies in being fast, fierce, and accurate. Dash at the fastest speed, fiercely break through the water resistance and glide across the surface, and then use unbeatably precise flag-snatching maneuvers to complete the competition task with speed, fierceness, and accuracy!
日期 Date 2023年10月 2023年10月 一二三四五六日 2526272829301 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 303112345 2023-10-2908:00 - 17:00 我要報名 Sign up here