2024 高雄盃機器人挑戰賽- 科技寶經典賽 2024 International Robotic Competition in Kaohsiung - CAGEBOT League


Lightweight Sumo Robots
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2024 高雄盃機器人挑戰賽-科技寶經典賽



協辦單位:台灣嵌入式暨單晶片系統發展協會、正修科技大學、金屬工業研究發展中心、 高雄大學、睿揚創新科技、愛尚科技、淩耀電子ICSHOP 

*參與2024 高雄盃機器人挑戰賽-科技寶經典賽之得獎隊伍,將獲頒高雄市教育局核發之獎狀。

Derived from the principle of unmanned transport vehicles, this competition extends its focus beyond autonomous movement to include the thrilling aspect of vehicle collisions. This aspect significantly tests the participants' skills in not only programming but also spatial structural design of the vehicle body. Each competition team, consisting of 1-3 members, engages in a battle format against another team using one sumo robot. The objective is to push the opponent's sumo robot out of the designated area within the specified time limit to claim victory. The competition restricts the construction of the robot body to plastic building blocks. Furthermore, the participating sumo robots must be fully automated, and the use of wireless communication or remote controllers to control the robots is strictly prohibited from the beginning to the end of the competition.

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