2024桃園巨蛋Taoyuan Arena (11/10) 相撲機器人 Sumo Robots 檔案下載 Files 2024國際機器人節-競賽總則 The 2024 INTERNATIONAL ROBOTIC FESTIVAL IN TAOYUAN- TIRT Top International Robotic Tournament-Competition General Rules 2024TIRT-相撲機器人規則 2024TIRT-SUMO Robots Rule-En 2024賽程表1110-相撲機器人 競賽介紹 Event Info TIRT系列競賽中最鏗鏘有力的賽事,全場熱血嘶吼,勝負就在一瞬間產生的相撲機器人競賽,採用無人搬運車之設計概念,參賽者必須掌握相撲機器人運動能力控制,以及衝撞對手、自我定位的能力,在參賽過程中獲取寶貴實作經驗,對於未來接軌工業、智慧物流及智慧倉儲上都有相當幫助。競賽過程機器人均為全自主運動,從比賽開始至結束均不可使用遙控器。競賽開始前,參賽之兩台機器人需放置於對角兩圓形區域中心位置,裁判吹哨後,先將對方撞出場外者為勝。 The most thrilling and intense event in the TIRT series competition is the Sumo Robot Challenge. The entire arena reverberates with passionate roars as the outcome of the match is determined in a split second. This competition incorporates the design concept of unmanned transport vehicles, where participants must master the control of their sumo robots' movement capabilities, collision with opponents, and self-positioning abilities. Through participation, they gain valuable practical experience that proves beneficial for future integration in industries such as smart logistics and intelligent warehousing. During the competition, all robots operate autonomously, and the use of remote controllers is strictly prohibited from the beginning to the end. Prior to the start of the match, the two competing robots are placed in the center of circular areas located at diagonally opposite positions. Upon the referee's whistle, the objective is to force the opponent out of the designated area, and the first one to do so wins.
日期 Date 2024年11月 2024年11月 一二三四五六日 28293031123 45678910 11121314151617 18192021222324 2526272829301 2345678 2024-11-1008:00 - 17:00 我要報名 Sign up here