桃園巨蛋Taoyuan Arena (10/29) 機器人創意造型設計競賽A Robot Creative Modeling Design Competition Group A (TBOT only) 檔案下載 Files (T16~T17)TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽 - 機器人創意造型設計競賽A (限機器人踢足球競賽隊伍參加)規則-20230626 (T)2023TIRT 全能機器人國際賽-TEMI全能機器人技藝技能競賽-競賽總則-20230920(保固) 競賽介紹 Event Info 機器人足球賽在機器人運動競賽之中,是最具規模及熱度的賽事,競賽中除了要考慮機器人本身的運動性能,舉凡追球、盤球、傳球、射門及防守這些動作缺一不可,是一項極具挑戰性的競賽喔! * 機器人踢足球競賽、機器人創意造型設計競賽需同時報名!! Robot soccer matches are the largest and most popular events in the field of robot sports competitions. In this competition, participants need to consider not only the robots' own mobility and performance but also essential actions such as ball chasing, dribbling, passing, shooting, and defending. Each of these actions is crucial, making it a highly challenging competition! Participation in both the robot soccer competition and the creative robot design competition is required!
日期 Date 2023年10月 2023年10月 一二三四五六日 2526272829301 2345678 9101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 303112345 2023-10-2908:00 - 17:00 我要報名 Sign up here